Urtod Fest MMXXII Festival Ticket Bundle
Ticket + cassette for the Urtod Fest MMXXII.
Parking and camping included.
Location and date:
Skilift Eulenloch
75328 Schömberg/Langenbrand (Baden-Württemberg)
Arrival must take place through Kapfenhardterstraße & Skiliftweg in Langenbrand.
Detailed approach and map will be provided on our homepage.
Only 300 tickets.
Please make sure that you have read the rules for this event.
You can find all information HERE.
This bundle will come with a cassette which contain music by all live acts. We hope that all artist agree and provide some special and maybe unreleased material.
Ticket bundles will be shipped a few weeks before the festival (around June). Ticket bundles will be shipped only by DHL.
[email protected]
We found some great acts which are interested to join this secret war as well.
You can rate the following perversions as confirmed:
Abgrund (Germany)
Crypt Dagger (Germany)
Grabunhold (Germany)
Hagzissa (Austria)
Illum Adora (Germay)
Nekrovault (Germany)
Obrok (Bulgaria)
Temple Ov Perversion (Switzerland)
Thronehammer (England/Germany)
More perversions will be confimed later...
*bones are not included.